*Back In Turlock Ready to Please*

Posted : Monday, January 27, 2025 01:44 AM | 13 views

QUiCK TH0UGHT BEF0RE Y0U DECiDE T0 CALL ME! Please Read every detail listed && REMEMBER You must be a gentleman at all times. There are NO exception to this. I DO NOT discuss services or donations over the phone. So please DO NOT ask. It will result in me terminating the call. No explicit e-mails or texts... ============================================ ============================================ ==>HEY EVERYB0dY iM kALiANA BUt CALL ME *kALi) iM 19 && i AM A L0VELY MiXxX 0F HiSPANiC && FiLiPiNA. iM A VERYY SWEET GiRL && i L0VE T0 HAVE A G00D TiME. iM 5'4, 128LbS, && FiTS A 36C. iM REAllY AL0T 0F FUN AND Y0U WiLL HAVE NO REGRETS; &&) YES, MY PiX ARE 100% REAL, THE TiME SPENT iS NEVER RUSHED, iM HERE F0R Y0U. i W0ULD LiKE T0 SATiSFY YOUR NEEDS iN THAT CASE i AM VERY SElECTiVE 0N MY C0MPANY && 0NLi CATER T0 GENTLEMEN THAT APPRECiATE A ClASSY LADY. --->>> iM ALWAYS CLEAN && SMELL DELiCi0US S0 GENTLEMEN i W0ULD RECC0MEND THE (SAME) RESPECT iN RETURN Y0U WiLL BE ASKED T0 DiSMiSS Y0URSElF iF HYGiENE iSNT UP T0 DATE) --------------------------------------------- ============================================= i L0VE THE C0MPANY 0F A TRUE GENTlEMEN, && iM AVAiLABlE F0R:; GFE C0MPANi0NSHiP R0MANTiC DiNNERS 0VERNiGHT iNDULGENCE BUiSNRSS TRiPS WEEKEND GETAWAYS NiGHT 0N THE T0WN ARM CANDY AT AN EVENT BiRTHDAYS H0LiDAYS F00T FETiSH WHATEVER Y0UR PREFERENCE,iF Y0UR L00KiNG AN ELEGANT, EXCLUSiVE && EDUCATED C0MPANi0N THEN Y0U HAVE F0UND THE RiGHT GiRL *AND YES i KNOW iTS iNTENSE MEETiNG A NEW GiRL.BUT =]LET ME S0oW YOU HOW EXCiTING AND SATiSFyING IT iS TO MEET ME! SO THATS WHY IM RUNNING A SPECIAL KALL ME! Call me to schedule 415-678-0222 ============================================ *[No Explicit language tolorated. I do not play snotty nose kids games, so do not play with me, if u set an appt. and no show and you think its cute to do that, you get red flagged and put on a DO NOT SEE list, no second chances. be 100% sure to keep your appt. before calling so this does not happen, thanks) ==================================== ==================================== >>*i REFUSE T0 DiSCUSS THE T0PiC 0F [$$$$) *>>>I M P O R T A N T: Please present donations immediately upon arrival to insure quality of service. REGUlAR ARRANGEMENTS --->1hr 0f MY tiME 0Nli==>>160SKiTTLES --->1/2hr 0f MY tiME 0Nli==>>120KiSSES:* --->15MiN 0F TiME ONLY==>>80r0ses GfEARRANGEMENTS 60minutes 0f My TiME 0Nli--->>200skittles 30min 0f My tiME 0NLi--->>150kisses 15min 0f MY tiME 0NLi--->>100r0ses ---------------------------------- ================================== PlEASE REAdd ! * LEGAL NOTICE: Money exchanged in legal adult personal services is for modeling and is simply for the time expended in the delivery of lawful entertainment and companionship.Any reviews written are fictional and for entertainment purposes only. Anything else that may or may not occur is a matter of personal preferences between two or more consenting adults of legal age and are not contracted for, nor is it requested to be contracted for in any manner. This is not an offer of prostitution. Fees/charges are for time spent together only. By contacting me(either by phone or email) you agree to these terms and hereby agree that you are not part of any law enforcement. gay escorts charleston,trans escorts oakland,ts escort lauderdale,transgender escorts houston,modesto trans escorts,bbw escorts inland empire,bronx transexual scorts,ts escort long islsnd,escorts lancaster,trans escorts in dayton ohio
  • Poster's age : 29
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  • City : Modesto
  • Location : TURLOCK